The rabbit that does wheelies

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Malay Mail, 8 May 2005

HIS hopping days might be over but Woolly ( Woolley ) the bunny isn’t letting the grass grow under his feet.
After losing the use of his back legs, the three-year-old dwarf lop-eared rabbit was fitted with a set of wheels.
It took him a while to get used to them but he now races around the garden just as quickly as he ever did.
Owner Carla Foulger, 46, said that Woolly contracted a parasitic infection last year and by September he was unable to move.
“We really didn’t want to have him put down as we’ve had him since he was a baby”, said Carla, who lives with her husband Paul in Godalming, Surrey, England.
“We wanted to give him a fighting chance”.
On the Internet, Carla found a company called Doggon Wheels, which makes wheelchairs for dogs. She and her husband, an IT consultant, took Woolly to be measured at the firm’s HQ in Woolhampton, Berkshire, England.
His wheels were made at a cost of £210 (about RM1,510) and fitted recently. And already he can keep up with his able-bodied brother Thumper, also aged three.
“He was soon hurtling around the garden”, added Carla.—DM


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