Errr mesaje secrete in HP

HP de la Harry Potter evident … cica ar exista mesaje ascunse in cartile scrise de JK Rowling – cam asa zice articolul 1 pe care tocmai l`am citit . Evident editorul care se ocupa cu publicarea a infirmat ca in cartile acestea atat de faimoase sunt mesaje catre slujirea diavolului ( Devil worship suna mult mai bine ) si profetiuni. Eh dar totusi previziunile sunt cat se poate de plauzibile – cititi fragementul urmator si o sa imi dati dreptate :

Doreen Mullet, an amateur Graphologist and Astrologer, claims to have identified over three hundred hidden phrases in the latest book ‘Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince’, including ‘Worship the Devil’, ‘I like the Devil’, ‘The Devil is cool’ and ‘Kill Mummy’. Doreen also claims that earlier Harry Potter books foretell: the invasion of Iraq, the imminent invasions of Iran and France, the Isle of Wight gaining independence in 2017 and George Bush divorcing his wife and marrying Donald Rumsfeld in a surprise gay marriage ceremony to be conducted on his Texas ranch in 2009.

yeah right :! hahahahahaahhah

  1. ‘Secret messages’ hidden in Harry Potter books
    28 Jul 2005 by Peter Gee


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